
Shane Hardy

Shane Hardy is the Ecosystems Director at Stone Barns Center. He grew up across the river in Nyack, New York, and has worked on farms in New York’s Finger Lakes region, Orange County, and Rockland County. He is thrilled to be working here at home in the southern Hudson Valley and pursuing his passion for building soil, increasing resilience and biodiversity in agriculture, and finding creative solutions to meeting our humans needs from the land as healthy partners in the natural system we live in.

At Stone Barns Center, Shane works with the organic materials that flow through the center—manure, leaves, food scraps, and more—to create compost teeming with life to feed to the soil, while exploring other intermediate and complementary uses for these materials. He provides technical and mechanical support for the rest of the farm team and works on technological and biological innovations for resilient farming.

On the side: When not at work, Shane likes gardening, cooking, preserving and fermenting foods, hiking, hanging out with his loved ones, reading, watching movies, and seeing theater in New York City.

Photo by Ben Hider

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