Remembering David Rockefeller

Dear Friend,
2017 was a year of unprecedented “natural” disasters – city-leveling hurricanes and storm surges, farm-destroying wild fires, earthquakes, climate refugees. Climate change is upon us, and farmers are on the front lines of confronting it.
We know that agriculture can help mitigate and protect against climate change’s effects, and at Stone Barns we are working to build a sustainable food system that is both resilient in the face of these challenges and makes strides to fend off further destruction of our environment and communities. This work goes hand in hard with giving the next generation of farmers and eaters the tools and knowledge they need to build a better system.
Stone Barns’ mission to change the way America eats and farms is squarely positioned to help address some of the most urgent crises of our time. By demonstrating resilient agriculture, training young farmers, fostering a farm-centric food culture, and activating the next generation of food citizens, we are changing the conversation about the promise and potential of regenerative agriculture. There has never been a more critical time to invest in this work.
We are excited to share 2017’s accomplishments with you here in our Annual Report. In 2017, we published our first book, Letters to a Young Farmer. We launched our first national teacher training program, as well as the first year of the Stone Barns Exchange Fellowship. And our farm operation continued to lead the way on agroecology, from saving 100,000 pounds of food from landfills to feed our waste-fed pigs, to developing and improving tools for small farmers, to testing 100 varieties of vegetables that aren’t yet commercially available.
We are deeply grateful to all of our members and donors for your ongoing support of this mission and work. We could not do this without you.
Stone Barns’ squarely positioned to help address some of the most urgent crises of our time.
Jill Isenbarger, CEO
31 states and 5 countries were represented at the 2017 Young Farmers Conference
Our pigs ate 99,252 lbs of food waste—that's like taking 18 cars off the road for a year
More than 100 varieties of wild bees live on our farm and in the surrounding park
We have more than 75,000 social media followers
78% of our apprentice alumni are still farming; the rest work in related food and agriculture positions
A Culinary Arts teacher from Miami, Ana was one of the rockstars of the 2017 Teacher Institute.
Senior scientist and director of the Food and Environment Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, Ricardo delivered the Kirschenmann Lecture in May 2017.
Raj Patel spoke at Stone Barns Center’s Summer Nights series along with Anita Chitaya and Esther Lupafya, two members of Soils, Food, and Healthy Communities. Watch the whole talk here.
“The Stone Barns high school education program propelled me not only to pursue Food Studies as an undergraduate, but also to search for an answer to the following question: how can we create a viable, sufficient, and sustainable agricultural food system for the future?”
Michelle Wong
Food Ed. Alumna
“We have had the opportunity not only to see our family grow and learn by visiting Stone Barns, but also to watch the organization bloom as its roots grow deeper. Every time we walk the grounds we discover something new. We love supporting Stone Barns’ programming and its impact on the community and farming standards.”
Elena Wolfe
Seedling Member
“We believe that Stone Barns’ leadership is essential to enabling farmers, scientists, and others to bring about a more sustainable, healthier food system. The Friends Circle enables us to support Stone Barns at a higher level and provides us with more opportunities to learn about and become involved with its compelling work.”
Linnet Tse and John Forsyth
Friends Circle Members
“After being at Stone Barns and working there, it made me view planning in a whole different light. I spent many weeks on the land without even touching a tool. Just reading the land, watching the weather, seeing where the rain pooled. Leaning into what the space is asking for and working from that rather than your vision. Ultimately it is so out of our control as farmers. We are the steward and the messenger, and the land makes more decisions than we ever could.”
Hannah Flood
Former Stone Barns Apprentice
“10 years on, we love Stone Barns as much as we did when we first joined with young toddlers in tow. It’s unlike anyplace else in Westchester. The wide range of programming for everyone from kids to adults, the farm fresh air, and the wonderful team make visiting a joyful and educational experience.”
Olga and Vadim Aleshina
Seedling Members
Focused on amplifying the impact of public, education and training programs to create a healthy and sustainable food system that supports us all.
Board Chair
President Emeritus
All numbers in thousands. These numbers are based on audited financials and exclude a $30 million bequest for endowment.
All numbers in thousands. These numbers are based on audited financials.